If there is one popular vegetable that is equally loved and relished across the globe, then that should be a potato. Commonly known as Aloo in India, potato is that quintessential staple root veggie that will taste equally good be it boiled, fried, steamed, roasted, baked or even as a standalone snack dipped in batter and deep fried.
However, doctors and nutritionists discourage including potatoes in the regular diet owing to its high starch and carbohydrate content. Instead, dieticians recommend including sweet potato to settle those cravings for a root veggie. There is a lot of debate around which tuber is healthy and nutritious and many tend to agree that potatoes are not-so-good for health. That’s because potatoes are often an integral part of junk food like chips and fries but in reality, both potatoes and sweet potatoes are equally good.
Though potatoes and sweet potatoes both are tuberous root veggies, they differ in the nutritional value. Sweet potatoes are from morning glory belonging to the family of Convolvulaceae and are available in various colours including brown, yellow, purple colours with an orange flesh. Potatoes belong to Solanaceae and are available in dark brown, yellow colours with white flesh.
These both tubers possess good amounts of nutrients and offer various health benefits.
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Boiled Sweet Potatoes And Potatoes:
When uncooked, both sweet potatoes and potatoes possess more or less the same amounts of carbs, protein and fat. Since, we do not eat them raw, when boiled they differ in nutritional content.
Sweet potatoes boiled in unsalted water contain more carbohydrates and fat when compared to boiled potato which is high in protein. At the same time, boiled sweet potatoes are 14 times higher in sugar content but potatoes double up in starch content.
The vitamin content in these both vegetables differ as boiled potato is rich in potassium, folic acid and vitamin B1 and sweet potatoes are loaded with magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C and good amounts of calcium.
Baked Potatoes And Sweet Potatoes:
Another popular way of eating potatoes and sweet potatoes is to bake them crispy. When baked sweet potatoes exude a good amount of nutritional value with at least 10 minerals besides selenium, vitamin C and vitamin A.
When baked potatoes taste best and become rich in folic acid, vitamins B1 and B3. In fact, baked potatoes can be relished guilt free by the diabetics as they have lesser amounts of sugar and fat.
Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes:
Enhances Overall Health:
Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamins, minerals and digestive fibre that can improve gut health and can aid in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease. The antioxidant content slows the ageing.
Improves Digestion:
Being high in fibre, sweet potatoes are your ideal food to regulate your digestive system. It can cleanse the gut, stimulate its functioning. Include it in your daily diet to prevent constipation.
Stimulates Brain Function:
Researchers believe that adding sweet potatoes to your regular diet improves brain function, reduces inflammation and aids in preventing radical damage. It also improves better learning and memory.
Boosts Immunity:
Being high in natural nutrients, sweet potatoes when boiled or baked provide ample amounts of beta-carotene and vitamin A. These vitamins help in fighting infections, inflammation and provide resistance power against cold and flu.
Aids In Weight Loss:
Sweet potatoes can keep you satiated for longer time and help in preventing hunger pangs. They also prevent sudden spikes in blood sugars and help in maintaining diabetes.
Which Vegetable Is Better?
Well, there is no definite argument to support which one is better. Like in any case of any food item, consuming it in moderation is the key for better health and to enjoy all nutritional content.