The distinction between genital warts and herpes is well-known, but there are several key variances between the two. Many individuals confuse genital warts with herpes sores or blisters, but they are caused by distinct viruses.
What Are Genital Warts?
The human papillomavirus, or HPV, is responsible for genital warts. HPV is the most common STD (sexually transmitted illness) in the United States, with the majority of people contracting some variant of the virus at some point in their lives. HPV, like other STDs, is spread by close skin-to-skin contact, including vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse.
There are around 150 different varieties of HPV, and the severity of the viruses varies. Most strains of HPV are asymptomatic and will resolve on their own without therapy. Yet, certain strains of HPV produce genital warts. Additional strains can cause cervix, penis, mouth/throat, anus, vaginal, and vulva cancers.
A graph showing that 80% of people will catch some form of HPV over their lives.
HPV-caused genital warts appear as tiny lumps or groups of bumps. They vary in size and shape, but they are typically flesh-colored, elevated, and cauliflower-like. They can be eliminated in the same way as warts on other parts of your body can. Vulva, penis, scrotum, thighs, lips, and the area around the mouth can all develop genital warts. Warts can also occur on the vaginal walls, the cervix, and inside the mouth or throat, making them more difficult to detect. Although warts are rarely painful, some people experience itching and bleeding during sex. Genital warts can appear anywhere between six weeks and six months after getting HPV (if they develop at all). The virus can lay dormant for years before causing genital warts.
Other kinds of HPV can raise the risk of malignancies such as cervical, penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal, and throat/mouth. It can take years for a virus to produce cancer. Some HPV strains do not form warts, and most people are unaware they carry the virus until they experience health concerns. These HPV strains are transmitted from person to person in the same way that wart-causing HPV strains are.
To prevent the transmission of any type of HPV, use condoms or dental dams when having vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse. They are not as efficient in avoiding HPV as they are in preventing other STDs, but they do help reduce your chances of becoming infected. Being in a monogamous relationship and understanding the sexual history of your partner also helps lower the odds of contracting HPV. As part of your sexually active lifestyle, you should also get regular gynecological checkups. While a gynecological checkup does not routinely test for STDs, a Pap smear can help clinicians identify HPV-related abnormal cells on the cervix. The importance of early detection cannot be overstated: Once identified, such cells can be eliminated to lower the risk of cervical cancer. Inquire with your doctor about additional STD test or cancer screenings.
There is currently no cure for HPV, however those who become infected often recover without therapy. Warts that form can be eliminated in the same way that warts on other places of the body can. Being vaccinated is the greatest way to avoid getting HPV. The vaccine protects against a variety of HPV strains that cause warts and cancer. The HPV vaccine is reducing the number of young people who become infected.
What Exactly is Herpes?
Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by one of two viruses: herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) (HSV-2). HSV-1 is commonly recognized as oral herpes, the virus that can cause cold sores and fever blisters on or around the mouth. When most people think of genital herpes, they think of HSV-2. HSV-1 and HSV-2, on the other hand, can both cause oral and genital herpes.