If you consider purchasing an EMR system for your practice, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. EMR, or electronic medical records, are collections of patient medical information that health care teams can share. They offer a way to organize and record medical data that has been collected over time and has now accumulated into a single electronic document. In addition, EMR systems allow information to be shared across different offices, departments, and even between different service providers. The purpose of this paperless medical record with a software like Athena EMR is to reduce the number of paperwork and cut down on paper that is eventually thrown away.
However, Athena EMR has many benefits for your practice as well. For example, Athena EHR allows for more direct patient contact. Instead of dealing with clerks and bookkeepers, doctors and patients can easily talk to each other using e-mail and IM services. This direct patient contact may help reduce the occurrence of misdiagnosis or treatment since when a doctor is looking at a patient’s chart, they will be able to see immediately whether they are receiving treatment properly or if something is wrong.
Physicians can also enter their medical histories and symptoms electronically, creating multiple versions of the same record and sharing them with other physicians. EMR software usually has a centralized location that allows physicians to access all the information at once. This means that there is no more running back and forth between different computer terminals to enter data. Many physicians report that they now spend less time entering information into their computers because they can view their medical records from any location at any time. This is particularly advantageous to patients. Since they do not have to go to their physicians to track down all the information they need to treat their illness, they can make their treatment decisions without worrying about remembering every step.
Of course, an Athena EMR system is not complete without the crucial elements of patient education and health care delivery. Doctors and patients can learn more about their health by reading the digital version of their medical records. These electronic medical records contain everything from a patient’s full name to their treatment history to immunizations. They can also tell a physician much more about a certain disease or illness than just the facts of what the patient is being treated for. This is especially important in the case of cancer patients, who must understand the progression of their disease and how it may be affected by certain treatments.
Doctors using an Athena EMR system should also take advantage of patient engagement features that are available with some electronic health systems. For example, a website designed to keep patients involved in their healthcare will allow doctors to provide detailed information about their cases and even post reviews about their work. This information will go a long way toward ensuring that doctors and their patients feel part of a cohesive medical team. In addition, an electronic medical record can serve as a source of patient education too. Electronic medical record websites allow patients to read articles that explain their condition and how they can treat it.
Some companies who offer an Athena EMR service have gone so far as to create websites that give patients the ability to download a digital version of their medical records onto a portable memory device. In this way, patients can access their records wherever they are in the world and receive advice from a professional in any location. This is especially useful for people living in rural areas who might hesitate to see a doctor if their mobile phone signal is weak. In addition, an electronic medical record website can allow a patient to upload all their information to one place and make just one payment instead of numerous Athena EMR bills.
According to Arthur Emmerson, CEO of the American Association for Medical Equipment and Supplies (AAMA), the revenue generated by Athena health care systems is expected to more than double from last year. The increase will, in turn, raise the need for the software, which can help sustain the demand created by the increase in patients requiring more thorough checkups. A recent study by the American Association for Medical Equipment and Supplies projected that there would be a whopping 29% increase in Ehr usage over the next five years. Since many physicians already use EHR software, the association expects that the market will continue to expand as more doctors purchase the devices necessary to operate them.
While the demand for Athena EMR is growing, it isn’t expected to meet the increasing needs of patients. Currently, most EHR software only allows doctors to enter a summary of their patient’s condition. Because of this, it may not accurately determine whether or not a patient needs to be seen and assessed for a particular ailment. However, as medical technology improves, additional improvements to Athena medical billing practices will likely be seen. By providing patients with more accurate and complete information about their health, the devices that allow for electronic billing practices will continue to expand and thrive.