Taboo topics can easily be regarded as the magnets for misconception, misinformation as well as myths. Sexual health is not an exception either.
According to the best sexologist in Karachi, misdiagnosis and myths are equally responsible for degrading the quality of life. Thus it is important to bust these myths before they dive deep into societal minds. So, without further ado, let us debunk these sexual health myths.
Table of Contents
Myth#1: STIs Always Comes With Symptoms
STIs or sexually transmitted diseases tend to announce their onset certain symptoms. Most of the time these diseases are due to the exchange of body fluid such as
● Blood
● Semen
● Vaginal discharge
Some of the common symptoms of STIs are as follows:
● Painful sores or bumps
● Painful urination
● Abnormal bleeding
● Unusual genital discharge
● Skin rashes
● Pain during sex
But according to the latest pieces of research, STIs may not always be announced. Sometimes it takes years for their symptoms to appear. This is the case with chlamydia. That is why doctors tend to check the patients thoroughly during annual checkups so that they can rule out STIs.
Myth#2: If You Are On Pill You Can’t Get STI
For all those who used to believe that if they or their partners are on contraceptive pills, it is highly unlikely for them to get STI. But this is just a common word of the street that needs to be busted.
If you want to protect yourself or your partner from gonorrhea or chlamydia, syphilis, or unwanted pregnancy, then make sure to use condoms during sexual activities. They are the safest way to maintain good health without the chances of STI.
Myth#3: Women Have Low Sex Drive Than Men
Society has been picturing women as creatures who have low to zero sex drive and men as primal animals who jump at any potential chance of sexual intercourse. Well, this is all just how society wants it to be. But in reality, the picture is quite different. It is also okay to declare that this one is a sexist myth.
We can easily point the blame finger towards gender discrimination, the societal burden for men bearing the false claim for having an excellent and high libido and sex drive. While women are said to have an equal sex drive.
Myth#4: Sexual Dysfunction Is A Hormonal Issue and Nothing Else
Almost 43% of women and 31% of men are affected by sexual dysfunction on a yearly basis. Some of the common issues that men face are problems in maintaining a steady erection or absent ejaculation. Women tend to face the issues of inadequate vaginal lubrication. Most of the time people tend to believe that these issues of sexual dysfunction are due to hormonal imbalances.
In men, sex drive is all thanks to the works of testosterone, while in women estrogen is the sex hormone. But it is just a side of the coin. Several other medical conditions such as diabetes, chronic cardiac issues, neurological instability as well as alcohol overuse can be the reason.
Sexual dysfunction is a condition that is also due to the use of certain medications. Medications that are prescribed for blood pressure or certain diuretics can be the reason for this.
Myth#5: Condoms Work All The Time
There is not a single shadow of doubt on the fact that condoms are the best possible preventive measure for STIs and pregnancy. But according to the data from the CDC,the failure rate of male condoms are 13% and that of female condoms are 21%.
Although the success rate of home based contraceptives is far more good, they are only treated for preventing pregnancy and are no help for STI prevention.
The contraceptive methods that are far more successful include the coli which has a success rate of 99%. Thus they are all the new rage.
All of these aforementioned methods are highly authentic and does work wonders in the preventive rather than fertility awareness based methods.
Wrapping It Up
Sexual health myths are a taboo subject that is not often brought up in the common circles but is unnecessary debate. Thus make sure to only trust the appropriate sources and don’t stray away from authentic information.