Drug addiction rates have increased in the past few years, with one of the most deadly addictions being Fentanyl. With so many people dying from the powerful opiate, many people are now seeking treatment for Fentanyl addiction. But how does Fentanyl treatment work? And what can you expect?
What Is Fentanyl?
Fentanyl is an opioid that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent. This drug is often prescribed for severe pain, usually intravenously. It is a controlled substance in Schedule II, meaning that it has a high potential for addiction and misuse and can lead to severe dependence. Fentanyl has become wildly popular over the last ten years with drug abusers, especially those who abuse drugs like Heroin or Morphine. This is because it’s readily available and produces the same type of euphoric feelings as Morphine.
What To Expect When Withdrawing?
Opioid withdrawal is a serious matter. It is so very serious that opioid withdrawal is sometimes fatal. This is because opioid withdrawal, and therefore Fentanyl withdrawal is strenuous and offers a lot of heavy symptoms.
Those who are about to experience withdrawal from Fentanyl can expect to feel pretty uncomfortable. For many, withdrawal starts simple, possibly with a runny nose, irritability, maybe a slight headache and some trouble with your sinuses. You may also notice that your body is starting to feel more tense or even antsy, and you may find it hard to become comfortable.
As time goes on, your withdrawal symptoms will continue to worsen and can last from days to a few weeks. There is also a risk of PAWS, or post-acute withdrawal syndrome, which causes episodes of withdrawal symptoms to come and go indefinitely. However, for most people, withdrawal should be complete within a month after their last dose.
There are many withdrawal symptoms, including heart issues, body pains, skin sensitivity, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, weight change, mood swings, depression, hallucinations, convulsions, and much more. Symptoms can become severe and even fatal, which is why it’s always recommended that you receive professional help while in withdrawal, whether inpatient or outpatient. Withdrawal is hard on the body, both physically and psychologically.
How Does Professional Treatment Work?
It’s always a good idea to seek out Fentanyl addiction treatment. This treatment is there to help you overcome your addiction, enabling you to lead a drug-free and healthy life. Because of this, treatment is recommended and is usually made to suit what you’ll succeed with.
There are many different avenues and options when it comes to addiction treatment. For many people, a combination of outpatient treatments is preferred and used, though inpatient or combination may be used as well. Plenty of people have been prescribed a drug to help them get through the initial withdrawal, though some will stay on treatment drugs for longer, such as Suboxone. This is usually paired with regular sobriety and doctor check-ups, as well as therapy for any psychological issues that may have contributed to the addiction, to begin with.
If you choose to enter in-patient treatment, the staff there will help you ease into withdrawal and will help aid you in the process safely and as comfortably as possible. This option combines medical aspects with social aspects such as group therapy, single-therapy, and other forms of therapy meant to help prevent relapse. In-patient treatment usually lasts 30-90 days but can last longer. Some people opt to enter an in-patient facility for just the first few days and then continue their treatment out-patient.
Addiction treatment works by helping you learn how to cope without the drugs. It also helps you when entering withdrawal from the drugs, making the transition easier. Treatment helps people navigate sobriety in a less scary way and also helps protect their safety when in withdrawal. Those who go through treatment are also at less of a risk of relapsing.
Fentanyl addiction is serious and dangerous. Many people die every year just from Fentanyl alone, usually due to an overdose or due to the drug unknowingly being contaminated with other drugs, causing a fatal interaction. Getting clean and sober isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. With the help of professional treatment, getting clean is safe and often effective. Addiction treatment works as long as you want it to.