Caffox is a medication that contains ergotamine and caffeine. Ergotamine and caffeine are the active ingredients that are useful in treating migraines. Caffox is available for oral consumption or via rectal. Severe kidney disease patients should not take this medication. Those who are suffering from serious liver damage should also stay away from this medication. Other than that, patients with peripheral vascular disease, septic shock, temporal arteritis, hypertension, and coronary heart disease patients are not supposed to take caffox. Pregnant ladies, breastfeeding mothers, and those who are on certain medications like macrolide antibiotics, azole antifungals, and protease inhibitors should not consume caffox. Caffox resolves migraines by constricting the blood vessels both peripheral and intracranial.
The side effects of caffox are:
- Ergotism
- Vascular spasm
- Myocardial ischemia
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Numbness
- Vertigo
- Muscle weakness
Caffox should not be consumed with grapefruit or grapefruit juice. This may affect the level of caffox in the blood. Migraine is a specific type of headache that can affect both adults and children. Migraine is more common in females than in the male. The symptoms of migraine are:
- Headache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Aura
- Sensitive to light and noise
Aura is a feeling or symptom before the migraine attack. This feeling gives the hint to the person that she or he will develop migraine soon. Aura varies from one person to another. Examples of the aura are seeing flashing lights, zig-zag lines, or bright spots. Temporary visual loss is also an aura. Females with migraines and aura should not take oral contraceptive pills as this will increase their risk to develop stroke. 12% of the population is suffering from migraines and it is inherited. Those within the age range of 30 to 39 are at the highest risk to develop a migraine. However, a migraine will not cause death. Migraine can be triggered by certain factors like:
- Not eating or fasting
- Hormones
- Weather
- Odour
- Stress
- Sleep disturbances
- Neck pain
- Alcohol
- Cigarette smoking
- Bright lights
- Heat
- Sleeping late
- Certain food
- Sexual activity
- Physical activity or exercise
There are a few types of migraines. The most common type is migraine with aura. Other types are:
- Retinal migraine
- Hemiplegic migraine
- Chronic migraine
- Vestibular migraine
- Menstrual migraine
The complications of migraine are persistent aura without infarction, status migrainosus, migraine infarction, and migraine triggered a seizure. Migraine is a clinical diagnosis. There is no test available to detect or diagnose migraine. This condition is diagnosed following history taking, physical examination, and the use of diagnostic criteria. History taking is a session between doctor and patient discussing and asking one and others related to the symptoms. After that, physicians will examine to look for any signs that may point towards migraine as a diagnosis. Lastly, doctors will crosscheck with the criteria to see whether migraine is the diagnosis or not. Some patients will require imaging or a brain scan. The following are the factors that may require a patient to go for a brain scan:
- First headache
- Worst headache
- Changes in the characteristic of headache
- New neurological signs and symptoms
- Unexplained neurological signs and symptoms
- Headache which continues despite treatment
- Headaches that affect the same side repeatedly
- Those above 50 years of age with a new episode of headache
- Cancer of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) patients with headache
- Presence of other symptoms like neck stiffness, fever, papilloedema, or change of personality
Other conditions that may mimic or wrongly diagnosed as migraine are primary headache, tension headache, cluster headache, head trauma, neck trauma, stroke, or any lesions within the brain. Mild to moderate migraine can be treated with simple painkillers like Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Moderate to severe migraine will require antimigraine medications like caffox. Pregnant ladies with migraine will require a different treatment approach as some medications may affect the pregnancy. Check with a doctor before ingesting it.