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From Struggle to Success: Danijela’s Unique Approach to Fertility Therapy

From Struggle to Success: Danijela’s Unique Approach to Fertility Therapy

Her Mission: Danijela is committed to empowering therapists and coaches to revolutionise fertility care, making each journey a story of hope and success through specialized mindset- oriented therapy. She is helping women struggling with fertility challenges by providing them with compassionate and nurturing therapy and embedding them with a positive mindset that will assist and facilitate conception and motherhood. The only time we get to assist in the miracle of creation is through helping a client eliminate mental blocks for conception and pregnancy and helping them become a mother.

Her Vision: To be a leader in the field of fertility assistance through the unique therapy that she provides and at the same time assisting and enhancing the existing skills of therapists to be able to reach out to as many women as possible who are facing fertility challenges. Not only regarding or restricted to fertility as the methodology she uses is also utilised for many different mental health issues and challenges people face.

What makes Mind Freedom Therapy unique? Apart from her qualifications and formal education, statistics reveal that establishing a connection with a client is the key for the effective therapy. Danijela, as a highly sensitive person creates a natural connection and deeply feels the emotions of her clients and her intention is to honestly help these people in their lives going forward. She is passionate about her work and her clients have been more than happy to provide her with positive feedback and video testimonials in regard to the session that they have had with her, and these can be seen on her website and on Instagram of the same name.

Clinical Hypnotherapist, RTT Therapist, Rapid Transformational Practitioner, Master of Law (LL.M.)

Danijela Mrdak

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