Authorities Not Take over the Health Care System
America has some of the best doctors in the world, the most advanced medical system and the best technical resources. People who have been sickened while traveling internationally know that the United States is their first choice. Although American health care is more expensive than other countries, many of the world’s richest people choose to go to the U.S. for complex and surgical procedures. This is because the U.S. has a reputation as the best in health care. We use this journey to find such teachers, connect with other women on similar journeys, and discuss it with our family and friends as our guide and raison d’être to create women cycles.
A small research study was done with randomly selected doctors from a database of top doctors to examine this complex issue in health care. We asked 50 doctors from different states, who are experts in their respective fields, “Is a universal healthcare plan good for America?” These top doctors, who are located in different states, responded to our question that universal health care would be a bad idea that would negatively impact the quality of national healthcare.
Universal System Health Care
People have been relying on a number of misconceptions in relation to the debate about health care. They believe that if there was a universal system for health care, everyone would be able to receive the best quality care, similar to what we are renowned for. Health care, unlike other public services, is not a shared public service. Therefore, the government cannot provide equal quality health care for all. Not all doctors are equally skilled in orthopedic surgery, neurosurgeons and the like.
Let me use an analogy: When you create a software program, there is a lot of code that goes behind the scenes. These elements can be used to manipulate aspects of the program that the average user (John Doe) doesn’t understand, or care about. Some aspects of the software program are coded so that other elements can be manipulated when the user uses them.
Once a universal healthcare plan in America is implemented and its vast infrastructure is built, private insurance companies will gradually disappear. Patients will eventually be forced to use the government’s universal medical care plan. Patients will become numbers, not patients, as a result of this massive government program that would offer compensation based on the care received. For cost-saving reasons, all health information, even your own, will also be analyzed and stored by Government. What will the consequences be? What are the consequences?