Chlamydia testing is important if you think you may have this disease. This is an STD that can be treated successfully. However, it is important to know what the signs of chlamydia are so you can be treated immediately if you think you have it. A simple test is done to detect whether a person has this STD. It is not necessary to undergo a medical exam to find out if someone has this disease. Some of the symptoms of chlamydia are similar to those of a yeast infection and many people assume they are the same.
Newer tests, known as NAATs (nucleic acid amplification steps), are now quite accurate and simple to take. Your health care provider may tell you what other testing options are available (for example, urinalysis or blood tests). If you reside in Alaska, Maryland, or Washington, DC, you can take a free chlamydia test at your local pharmacy. You can also find local STD clinics that offer these tests at no cost to the patient. It is important to remember that the early detection of any symptoms can make treatment more successful.
Some people assume they will not have any symptoms of this disease. In fact, around half of sexually active men and women to get tested for this STD at some point in their lives. If you suspect that you might have chlamydia, you should go to your doctor. Many health clinics offer this STD screening. If you go to a health clinic or do not feel comfortable asking your doctor for a chlamydia test, you can get tested at a testing site near you.
One way to get a chlamydia test is to get a sample of fluid from your private area, such as the tip of your vagina or the outer side of your breast. You can collect a sample by putting a speculum in your vagina. The sample should be sent to a lab for analysis. A positive result will mean that you do have this infection. A negative result will indicate that you do not.
Some people assume that they will never get tested for this STD. They believe that since they are sexually active, they will not be exposed to the infection. This is especially true for those who are sexually active with multiple partners. However, if you have one partner and one person is tested for chlamydia, then both of you will be infected.
No matter what stage of infection you are at, you should get a chlamydia test diagnosed. This is especially true if you have been sexually active with multiple partners and you have not had treatment. Early testing can help to ensure that you are protected and receive the best treatment. More info available.