Lice are most common in children and adults. Lice cannot spread disease, but they can itch in your head. Head lice can also damage your hair, so it is very important to remove lice from your hair.
Lice are small parasites that live in your hair and suck your blood from your head. Head lice are the most common problem in children. So in this way, there are many doubts in your mind about head lice that you want to clear. So there are some doubts that you need to clear and which are as given below:
Table of Contents
What are Head Lice?
Head lice are small parasites, wingless insects that feed solely on humans. The scientific name of head lice is pediculus Capitus. Head lice and body lice are quite similar in shape but different in behavior.
How do You Identify If You have Head Lice?
Infestation is done by the persistent itch of the scalp that can often make a rash-like condition in your hairs. Examination with a magnifying glass and flashlight helps you magnify the small grayish-white eggs or nits attached to the hair. The crawling lice are also not easily seen and locate. They are commonly on the scalp and sometimes few. If your children go to school regularly, then it is recommended to examine their heads regularly.
Where do Head Lice Live?
Head lice are the most common parasite that sucks and feeds on human blood. They live in human head hair and are mostly found in school-aged children. Head lice claws grasp human hair very firmly, so it is important to see their scalp if you want to identify lice in it. For further information, you can visit our website
How Head Lice Feed?
When head lice feed, tinny hooks surrounding the mouth hold the scalp of the head. The lice feed many times in one day, but they do not become engorged as body lice do.
How do Head Lice Develop?
Adult head lice live for about only one month. During this period, the adult female can lay more than 90 eggs. The eggs are clemently attached near the base of the hair shaft, which is called the follicle. The eggs of lice are too small and hatch in about one week.
Temperature in which Lice Survive:
The lice live near the scalp. They can survive at 80 degrees F or above. Due to this, they can only live two to three days of the head because lower temperature makes their life short, so in this way, they cannot survive more than two to three days out of the hair. For further information, you can visit our website
How Head Lice Spread?
Head lice can’t jump or fly from one head to another. So due to this spread occurs by sharing of clothing or belongings. The belongings include such as hats, brushes, combs, towels, coats, and bedding. But they are most commonly spread by head-to-head contact.
Available Lice Controls:
Avoid applying pesticide over rooms, toys, or furniture surfaces. Nowadays, a lot of hair medications are available to kill head lice. You can purchase these medications over the counter or by prescription from your doctor. All medications are used in the manner that is written or prescribed on the product label direction.
Remedies to Avoid to Remove Lice:
There is no shortage of advice that what you have to do about the head lice. Some of the remedies are unproven, dubious, and even dangerous. Using commercial sprays for lice is unnecessary. In addition to this, there are many claims for the use of oil-based treatments, which include olive oil, tea tree oil, margarine, and mayonnaise.
How Can You Verify Successful Treatment?
In some cases, someone infested with lice can be treated and can also still be infested. Verify the latest research show that someone who is no longer affected by lice can only and easily with the help of manual screening to confirm the absence of lice and nits.