Establishing a daily routine as a senior can be tough, especially if you recently retired and no longer have a structured work day. However, that doesn’t mean that you should give up on having a daily routine — in fact, keeping a daily routine is extremely good for your mental and physical health! Here are eight benefits of a daily routine for seniors:
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It Establishes Healthy Daily Habits.
In many cases, your physical and mental health are the result of many small choices accumulating over time. Having a daily routine will help to establish healthy habits such as eating fresh meals, exercising regularly, reading books, putting on diabetic shoes and other activities that contribute to these good choices. By doing these activities over and over again, you will establish daily habits that will help you stay healthy for many years to come.
It Creates A Feeling Of Safety And Stability.
As we age, many things can feel out of our control, including our own bodies. Big life changes such as moving into assisted living can increase the feelings of chaos and instability. Having a daily routine creates a feeling of safety and stability that helps seniors to feel more grounded wherever they are. When you have a daily routine, you know what’s going to happen when, which makes you feel more centered. Not having a daily routine will increase the feelings of confusion and disorganization.
It Improves Sleep Patterns.
Having a daily and nightly routine is key for getting good sleep at any age. If you are struggling to sleep, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day is essential for creating healthy sleep habits. You should also have a set routine that you do every night before going to bed to cue your body that it’s time to sleep. For instance, you might take a shower, put on your adaptive pajamas, have a cup of herbal tea and then brush your teeth every single night before going to bed. Doing this routine very single will help you to fall asleep faster.
It Increases Activity.
Having a routine increases both physical and mental activity. If you wait to do these activities until you happen to have time, they are probably never going to get done. Building them into your daily or weekly routine means that you will be more likely to do them, keeping yourself sharp and active. Maybe you do the crossword every morning after breakfast, or you go for a walk every day before dinner. Figuring out ways to plan these events into your daily and weekly routines to keep you active well into your twilight years.
it Helps Maintain Independence.
For seniors who are still able to take care of themselves on some level, having a daily routine will help them to maintain independence for longer. Even if they can’t complete more complicated tasks on their own, doing something as simple as putting on adaptive clothing or brushing their teeth will help to boost their self-esteem and maintain their independence on a day-to-day basis. Figuring out which daily activities they can do on their own and which ones they need help with will help them put together an effective daily routine.
It Guards Against Forgetfulness.
We all occasionally forget to brush our teeth, no matter how old we are — but that forgetfulness does increase as we age and our cognition declines. If your memory isn’t as sharp as it once was, establish a daily routine that incorporates key activities that you don’t want to forget, such as taking your medication at the same time each day or week. By building these activities into your daily routine, you will increase the odds that you remember to do them on a regular basis. You may find it helpful to create a whiteboard that outlines your routine and post it in a central place so you can check off the activities each day.
It Reduces Stress And Anxiety.
The process of aging can cause a lot of stress on itself, and aging also brings about many big life changes that are stressful (retiring, moving between houses, loved ones passing away). Not having a daily routine can contribute to these feelings of stress and increase the chaos in your life. On the other hand, having a daily routine gives a strong foundation to fall back on no matter what else is happening in your life. Having a daily routine also means that you have to think less about taking care of daily basic activities like taking a shower or getting dressed in clothing for handicapped people, which will reduce your stress.
It Helps Your Caregivers As Well.
Creating a daily routine isn’t just helpful for seniors; it’s beneficial for their caregivers as well. If you are new to caregiving for an aging loved one, you probably feel overwhelmed at the number of things that you need to do each day. Creating a daily routine ensures that nothing slips through the cracks and also helps you to strike a good balance between resting and getting things done. You don’t have to follow the routine to the letter every day, but having a routine in place will help you and your loved one(s) get into a good rhythm.
What other benefits have you realized from having a daily routine for seniors? What activities did you include in your daily routine? Have you been following a daily routine for a while or are just now trying to establish one? Let us know in the comments below!